A Doll’s House, Part 2 Opens November 2nd
11.02 - 12.08.2024
- Written By
- Lucas Hnath
- Mia Christou & Allen Barton
- Directed By
- Allen Barton
- Featuring
- Mia Christou, Tatiana Jorio, Lisa Robins, Peter Zizzo
The story continues! Fifteen years after the door slammed shut, Nora Helmer returns to the home she once left behind. Now a successful author and advocate for women’s rights, she must confront the past she thought she had escaped. With sharp dialogue and surprising twists, this modern sequel delves into the complexities of marriage, identity, and the price of freedom. Don’t miss this powerful exploration of what it means to come back—and what it takes to move forward.
Last Chance to see this brilliant actress Tati Jorio as EMMY in A DOLL’S HOUSE, Part 2
#last #show #tonight #emmy tatertatzz
#lucashnath #adollshousepart2bhp #adollshousepart2
#ultimate #performance #formidable #acting #drama #🎭

Luckiest to have two more performances as Nora Helmer. It has been quite the journey.
Thank you to our Director with a vision, Allen Barton and to my fellow production team members: Ariana Parsa, and Elena Musser and Stage Managers David Bello and Kenny Pollone.
All the BHP volunteers ~ you make me so happy that you have stepped up with such a gladness of heart.
Thank you to Tati Jorio my EMMY. You tango toe-to-toe all the way! You are exceptional.
To Sandra Kuker ~ every day you work tirelessly and with great care ~ thank you!
Of course, the inimitable Peter Zizzo for the Torvald he created, and Lisa Robins for her Anne-Marie.
#acting #actress #working #creative #living #life #onstage #grateful #todo #thework #theatre #❤️ #adollshousepart2bhp #norahelmer #my #Nora #noapologies #thatsher #character #🎭

Tonight at 8pm and then… Tomorrow at 7:30pm
A Doll’s House, Part 2 by Lucas Hnath
Directed by Allen Barton
Mia Christou as NORA
Peter Zizzo as TORVALD
Tati Jorio as EMMY
Lisa Robins as ANNE-MARIE
Last Chance!
“Barton navigates the complex dynamics between characters, each grappling with the aftermath of Nora’s departure. The tension crackles with unresolved issues and shifting power dynamics.”
“Having missed the original with Laurie Metcalf, I wanted to see it. THIS PRODUCTION DOES NOT DISAPPOINT!”
#lastchance #come #see #adollshousepart2 #lucashnath #highly #recommended #everyone #welcome #adollshousepart2bhp #tonight #theatre #latheater #lathr #hnath #refreshing #bhp #best #actors #acting #directing #🎭

Photography Project by Tati Jorio
#moi #fireextinguisher #greenroom #backstage #paparazzi tatertatzz #emmy #adollshousepart2bhp #lucashnath #directed #by allenrbarton #thanks #emmyhelmer #love #nora #❤️ #35mm

Get there EARLY today … there will be quite the crowd!
#best #topten #recommended #staffpick #criticalacclaim #dollshouse #project #outstanding #virtuosic #dynamic #fresh #brilliant #show #adollshousebhp #adollshousepart2bhp #hurry #⏳ #time #runningout #ifyoulove #theater #youwilllove #this #production #❤️

“Perfectly realized…”
#today and #tonight #dollshouseproject beverlyhillsplayhouse sandrakukerpr
#adollshouse #adollshousepart2
#adollshousebhp #adollshousepart2bhp
#topten #recommended #staffpick #onstage411 #stageraw #nohoartsdistrict #discoverhollywood #lasplashmagazine #acting #writing #directing #production #best #latheater #💯

Stage Raw Top Ten Pick and RECOMMENDED by every critic who has reviewed our production.
#quality #theater @beverlyhillsplayhouse #drama #acting #director @allenrbarton #cast #bhp #actors #storytelling #atitsbest #serving #thewriter #lucashnath #thework #concept #themes #family #mess #love #relationship #adollshousebhp #adollshousepart2 #adollshousepart2bhp #🎭 #❤️ #grateful #rsvp #youareinvited #✨@sandrakukerpr
See You Soon!

Lucas Hnath’s A DOLL’S HOUSE, Part 2 is a rollercoaster.
#home #truths #wit #comedy #drama #heartbreak #acting #directing #tooten #recommended #play #production #adollshousebhp #adollshousepart2bhp #laugh #cry #humanity #compassion #livesofothers #thehelmers #talk #🎭 #❤️

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(310) 855-1556
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